Sunday, July 14, 2013

# 194 - "Vane-ity Fair!"

In "Swordfish" John Travolta made it a family affair by having two of his sisters (Ann and Margaret) and a younger brother (Sam) have bit parts in the movie. Two thumbs up nominations will be posted later as I am enjoying a weekend of photo workshops!

The Golden Lobstah!

This weathervane can be found in the Northern Avenue area of Boston. It sits atop a business that has been in existence since 1925 when the founder and his three sons trucked their daily lobster catch into Boston. Today, 50,000 lbs. are shipped each day! Name the famous company!

1 comment:

  1. James Hook! I love going into their little retail shop every time I am in that area.
    Did they have a big fire not too long ago? I haven't been there in such a long time.
    Love the harbor!
