Monday, April 13, 2015

Shoot XI - "Wheels of Time"

Were you thinking WA? Starbucks probably gave it away, right? For Joani, it was not too hard as she lives in the "Evergreen State!" Others who knew were Peyton, Carol, Mike Di., and Michelle.  

"It's a Studebaker!"

The antique car collector group, "Wheels of Time" took over the local parish parking lot with their favorite pastime - their cars! In the past I have focused on trying to capture the entire car while trying to keep out the other curious on-lookers. This is next to impossible as there never seems to be a quiet moment at the more popular vehicles and also there is never enough room to get the entire car into the frame. So I decided to key on some of the intricate facets of these vehicles. I used this theme for the next three antique car shoots. I put some of my favorite partials in a folder on my website called, "Car-tifacts!

This week's image was of the classic Avanti, a sporty passenger car made by Studebaker. It was reported to have reached speeds of 170 mph! Certainly wasn't clocked at that speed in Dorchester!

Thought for the week. . .

Found these most interesting outlooks on life:

If you need a shoulder to cry on, 
pull off to the side of the road. 
~ Maxine 

N i f t y   F i f t y
Here are some interesting facts about one of our fifty states. Do you know which one? This state boasts of:

being the home for Morgan Freeman, Dolly Parton, Tina Turner, Aretha Franklin, Dinah Shore, and Davey Crockett (are you singing the song, "born on a mountaintop in...")!

being known as the Birthplace of Country Music.

being one of the states to have the most visited national park in the United States! 

ranking number one among other states in the total number of soldiers who fought in the War Between the States.

being tied with Missouri as the most neighborly state in the union. It is bordered by 8 states!

bottling the first Coca-Cola in 1899 at a plant after two local attorneys purchased the bottling rights to the drink for $l.00.

Leaving you with a smile, I hope. . .

Wouldn't it be great if we could put ourselves in the dryer for ten minutes and. . .
come out wrinkle-free and three sizes smaller!

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