Monday, May 9, 2016

Shoot Three - "Versailles"

Ireland - land of my Kennedy roots! Peyton, Jim, Mike Di., Michelle, Elaine, Milt, and Joani added their bit of Blarney to this week's location - thanks!

"Versailles Amphitheater"

Versailles was one impressive royal chateau! This amphitheater was the place to be as live performances were staged on a regular basis. I could only imagine the nobility present for these events. Then they boarded their carriages for the trek back to Paris.

Nearly five million visit the castle each year - I think many of them were here the day I was there! We did not get to see Marie Antoinette's villa as the day was winding down and we still had a train (no fancy carriage for us) back to Paris to catch.

Getting Older?

"I don't know how you feel about old age ... 
but in my case I didn't even see it coming.  
It hit me from the rear!"

   ~ Phyllis Diller

Where in the World?

Here are some interesting facts about various countries of the world. Just where would I be?

It shares a land border with 4 countries including France, Germany, Luxembourg and the Netherlands.

Has a population of 10.5 million people (10,444,268) as of July 2013.

Nearly all its citizens live in cities, the country has an urban population of over 97%.

It is world-famous for beer. There are over 1100 varieties of beers made here.

Also it is world-famous for chocolate. Praline chocolates were invented by Jean Neuhaus in 1912. Today, it is the world's number one exporter of chocolate, with 220,000 tonnes of chocolate produced per year and shops in its international airport are said to sell the most chocolate in the world.

Also world-famous for wafflesFrench fries are believed to have been invented here and not France.

It has more comic makers per square km than any other country in the world. Famous comic book series to come out of here include, The Adventures of Tintin, The Smurfs and Asterix.

Interesting Fact. . .

Caffeine increases the power of aspirin and other painkillers, 
that is why it is found in some medicines.

Leaving on a humorous note, I hope!

All I ask is a chance to prove 
that money can't make me happy!

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