OR, it was! Carol, Elaine, Peyton, Milt, Mike Di., Beth, and Michelle knew as well! I was quite surprised when the gas attendant was adamant about me pumping my own gas!
"Bapst Library"
This staircase needed to be captured with a wide angle and then converted into monochromatic. I think it succeeded on both parts!
Not only is the architecture within the Bapst a photographer's dream but their variety of stained glass windows kept me busy for quite some time! This series included notables from science, philosophy, religion, medicine, etc. Another room had windows that featured the crests of all of the Jesuit universities in the world!
The challenge was to get the right angle and the light.
Thought for the week. . .
Found these most interesting outlooks on life:
The difference between genius and stupidity is
that genius has its
~ Albert Einstein
Found these most interesting outlooks on life:
The difference between genius and stupidity is
that genius has its
~ Albert Einstein
N i f t y F i f t y
Here are some interesting facts about one of our fifty states. Do you know which one? This state boasts of:
Coming full circle - back home in Massachusetts!
But, do you know where these famous places are within the Bay State?
The only place in the world where a boat can sail under a train
driving under a car driving under an airplane?
If it were real it
would hold 58,620 gallons of liquid!
The signs along the Massachusetts Turnpike reading
"x miles to Boston" refer to the distance from that point to the where?
The first U.S.Postal
zip code in Massachusetts is 01001 is assigned to what town/city?
Leaving you with a smile, I hope. . .
So, I lied. . .
The guy who fell onto an upholstery machine
has fully recovered.
You are stuck with your debt
if you can't budge
He broke into song
because he couldn't find the
A calendar’s days are numbered.
He had a photographic memory
which was never
This wraps up my third year of blogging with you.
Let's see what 2016 has in store for us?
N i f t y F i f t y
Here are some interesting facts about one of our fifty states. Do you know which one? This state boasts of:
Coming full circle - back home in Massachusetts!
But, do you know where these famous places are within the Bay State?
The only place in the world where a boat can sail under a train
driving under a car driving under an airplane?
If it were real it would hold 58,620 gallons of liquid!
The signs along the Massachusetts Turnpike reading "x miles to Boston" refer to the distance from that point to the where?
The first U.S.Postal zip code in Massachusetts is 01001 is assigned to what town/city?
Here are some interesting facts about one of our fifty states. Do you know which one? This state boasts of:
Coming full circle - back home in Massachusetts!
But, do you know where these famous places are within the Bay State?
If it were real it would hold 58,620 gallons of liquid!
The signs along the Massachusetts Turnpike reading "x miles to Boston" refer to the distance from that point to the where?
The first U.S.Postal zip code in Massachusetts is 01001 is assigned to what town/city?
Leaving you with a smile, I hope. . .
So, I lied. . .
The guy who fell onto an upholstery machine
has fully recovered.
You are stuck with your debt
You are stuck with your debt
if you can't budge
He broke into song
He broke into song
because he couldn't find the
A calendar’s days are numbered.
He had a photographic memory
A calendar’s days are numbered.
He had a photographic memory
which was never
This wraps up my third year of blogging with you.
Let's see what 2016 has in store for us?
This wraps up my third year of blogging with you.
Let's see what 2016 has in store for us?