Posting Fifteen
"The Patience Filter"
Several years ago when I was sitting at a competition at my former camera club, Greater Brockton, one of the judges referred to using a patience filter. He then took the time to explain why this simple tool is often left behind when we are trying to compose our shot. Now, with the onslaught of digital cameras we seem to be in more of a hurry to get the shot and move on – more of a need for the patience filter.
In essence, we should be taking in the surrounding scene and all of its nuances. What was it with this setting that made you stop to capture it? Your patience filter will help you with that answer.
All too often we are in a rush to get the shot and miss out on the better captures. Case in point as witnessed a few years back – just before the sun set at the South Rim of the Grand Canyon the tour buses pulled up and emptied their passengers with cameras strung around their necks. They ascended like locusts to the area behind the gift shop ready to get the setting sun. Moments after the sun appeared to set, they were gone as quickly as they arrived. What they left behind were the truly better images of the evening sky over the Grand Canyon. Now, if they had their “patience filters” handy, they would have captured some remarkable skies.
The tripod is one tool to help you practice with that patience filter. When using that three-legged support, there is a tendency for the photographer to slow down his/her image taking. Opportunities to look through the viewfinder for distractions, the proper angle, and other details make for a well thought out shot.
The patience filter takes up no space in your bag and won’t add any weight to your case. It won’t distort the image captured by your very expensive lens and it impossible to break. However, it is very easy to forget.
Back to that Greater Brockton evening, one member asked, “Where can I purchase one of them?” There was one of those pregnant pauses that seems to last forever. The rest of us exercised complete control and didn’t even crack a smile!
By now I trust you have a patience filter in your camera bag but, if you are still in the market for one, I can ship it to you for $29.95 plus tax!
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