Sunday, November 17, 2013

# 318 - "Patterned by Nature"

Here's the entire lotus bud as a few were wondering about it. . .

I did have one of our highest feedbacks in a while - Deana, Milt, Phil, #1 Cheerleader, EMO, Michael K., Carol, Tony, Mike Di., Michael P., Michelle, Joyce, and Joani. A few were able to ID the flower as a lotus while the rest of you knew it was a floral. With the Esteemed Panel of Judges off this weekend, I decided to honor anything that was reasonable - sorry, Steve, I in all good conscience could not accept "Le Mans Racetrack!"

What's hanging around for today?

Bonus Image

"Petroglyphs from Mystery Valley" These Native American symbols were seen on many walls. There were a few places where I needed someone else to pinpoint their actual spot. 

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