Monday, November 25, 2013

# 326 - "Patterned by Nature"

Sand, it was but for the life of me, I'm not sure where it came from! I know, I mentioned the sandbox at the playground but I was lying! We did have several exotic locations suggested. Maybe I could pick one for my next trek?? Thanks for playing along - Michael P., Michelle, Mike Di., EMO, Phil, Joyce, Tony, Milt, and Peyton.

Ready for the challenge?

And, no it's not a marijuana plant growing in the sandbox!

Bonus Image

There are two sections for Canyonlands National Park. The northern part is called, "Island in the Sky" while the southern half is known as, "The Needles." I found the "Island" area less interesting as you looked into a large canyon. There was a walk along the rim where I found this pine growing out of the rock.

1 comment:

  1. I love the Bonus images Joe!
    This latest challenge looks like pollen! (Could be a shag rug from late sixties early seventies!) A tough one!
