Monday, January 26, 2015

Shoot Three - Boston!

So, how did you do? Michelle and Mommy Beth knew it was Connecticut! Joani and EMO did check in but didn't offer a guess.

For some reason, Shoot Three didn't happen until May! Not sure what was going on in March and April so that my camera didn't get any kind of a workout?

Taking my camera into Boston is one of my favorite annual activities as there is always something to shoot. In 2014, I made three ventures into the Hub. My main reason for this first trip was the Boston Marathon Memorial set up in the Copley Square Library. They temporary exhibit was coming down to be put back into storage until a more permanent site could be found.

The organizers collected all of the running shoes left behind and made this most interesting arrangement. Many of the shoes had messages written on them. I wonder how many of these people returned for 2014? I'm guessing just about all of them!

Thought for the week. . .

Found these most interesting outlooks on life

To know the road ahead, ask those coming back. 
~ Chinese Proverb.

N i f t y   F i f t y
Here are some interesting facts about one of our fifty states. Do you know which one? This state boasts of:

being the home of author Laura Ingalls Wilder who lived on Plum Creek near Walnut Grove.
being the home of the Hormel Company of Austin which marketed the first canned ham in 1926. In 1937, it introduced Spam. 

having 90,000 miles of shoreline, more than California, Florida and Hawaii combined!

Leaving you with a smile, I hope. . .

Shortest distance between two jokes: 

A straight line! 

Monday, January 19, 2015

Shoot Two - "Rachel"

So, how did you do? It was MassachusettsTip of the lens cap to Carol, Michelle, Mommy Beth, Joan-i, Michael P., and first time responder, Jim W! 

First public elementary school: The Mather Elementary School was in Boston (Dorchester) - a side note - I student taught there - well after it first opened its doors!
Oldest co-ed: Hingham (Derby Academy)  
First college in America: Harvard 

Bonus: Weathervane atop of Derby Academy!

My second opportunity to click away came the following week as I joined two other HDP members for a model shoot in Lynn. The Greater Lynn Camera Club hosts a portraiture event during the winter doldrums. There were supposed to be four to six models to be photographed but for some reason only one showed up when we got there. A few hours later there were a couple others there on the scene. 

This is Rachel. . .

I liked her eyes and I thought the hat helped to frame them well. Even as a monochromatic, she is a beautiful girl!

Thought for the week. . .

Found these most interesting outlooks on life, in general.

Do not go where the path may lead,
go instead where there is no path and leave a trail! 
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson.

N i f t y   F i f t y
Here are some interesting facts about one of our fifty states. Do you know which one? This state boasts of being the:

home to the first hamburger (1895), Polaroid camera (1934), helicopter (1939), and color television (1948).

as well as PEZ® Candy is made in this state!

Leaving you with a smile, I hope. . .

A dentist and a manicurist married. 
They fought tooth and nail.

{stay with me they should get better!}

Monday, January 12, 2015

Shoot One - "Snowy Owls"

Well, I am ready to kick off another Year in Review. I think there were about fifteen to twenty different opportunities to click away in 2014. Being fresh out of photo tips, I have decided to include some interesting and thought-provoking quotes as well as some trivia and end it all with a smile and a chuckle, I hope!

Since Blog Year One had a very successful give and take segment with you, my faithful blog followers, I have decided to bring back another opportunity for you to get involved.

So my first shoot for 2014 did not happen until early February. This was a banner year for snowy owls and one of the members from Hockomock Digital had a beach permit for Duxbury. I was fortunate enough to be invited along for this image:

It did take off but with a 500mm lens affixed to my tripod, it was impossible to capture it in flight. He was very graceful in his departure - so I was told!

Thought for the week. . .

Found these most interesting outlooks on life, in general.

You don't drown by falling in the water; 
you drown by staying there. 
~ Edwin Louis Cole.

N i f t y   F i f t y
Here are some interesting facts about one of our fifty states. Do you know which one and bonus points for the city and institution
in which these happened?? This state boasts of:

the first public elementary school in America 
(and, still in use).
the oldest co-educational school in the United States (and, still accepting students).
the first college established in North America 
(still in use).

Leaving you with a smile, I hope. . .

I used to eat a lot of natural foods 
until I learned that most people die of natural causes!

{C'mon, you know you smiled. . . }

Monday, January 5, 2015

That's a Wrap!

Well, that was quite a journey down Memory Lane for me! I enjoyed looking back at where I had been and what I shot - I trust you did as well. Thanks for responding - that's what kept me posting.

Here is my year in review!

What's in store for 2015? I have a few options. The easy one is to go quietly off into the digital cyberspace and give you a break. Or, I could review 2014? It would mean coming up with some fillers as I certainly have the images! And, you really haven't seen anything from me this past year.

I'll weigh my options and let you know in January - just watch your emails!

Weekly Photo Suggestion:

Fresh out of them - so . . .

Just enjoy shooting!

 A Pearl of Wisdom. . .

Nixon's Law 

The man who can smile when things go wrong -- 
has thought of someone he can blame it on.

Steven Wright's Witticisms

To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism; 
to steal from many is. . .
