Monday, November 26, 2018

#4 - "In Synch"

#5 was Optical Lenses! Guess the MA followers were included in this one as Elaine, Tony and Milt from MA were accounted for while out-of-staters Peyton, Joani, and Mike got their blog on time. 

"In Synch"

I had known of Slater's Mill in nearby Rhode Island for many years but never been there. I finally packed up my mirrorless and my new macro lens and headed off to see this iconic place. As luck would have it, my tour group was only seven people which gave me ample space and time to stop and shoot the "industrial." Tripods were not allowed so I had to rely on a higher ISO and my steady hands.

The intricate detail needed to run these machines successfully was obvious. These three gear wheels were typical of the craftsmanship and durability of the designers of our early Industrial Age.

Greatest Inventions of All Time!
Recently I came across an article about the greatest inventions as determined by a large group of scientists, philosophers, educators, and other professions. Their task was to create a list of "the Greatest Inventions of All Time." Conveniently, the final list numbered fifty! so, I'm starting with #50 and working my way down to Numero Uno in December.

Fear not as I will offer you some hints as to what the invention was.

#4 shapes the physical foundation of the virtual world!

#4 are electronic components that exploit the electronic properties of  materials, principally silicon, germanium, and gallium arsenide. 

They have replaced thermionic devices (vacuum tubes) in most applications. They use electronic conduction in the solid state as opposed to the gaseous state or thermionic emission in a high vacuum.

These devices made per year have been growing by 9.1% on average since 1978 and shipments in 2018 are predicted for the first time to exceed 1 trillion, meaning well over 7 trillion has been made to date, in just in the decade prior!

Murphy's Laws

Occam's Electric Axiom. . .

The most difficult light bulb to replace 
burns out first and most frequently.

Leaving You with a Laugh, I Hope. . .

"Eye Doctor's Parking Area!"

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