Posting Twenty-eight
“Beyond the Camera Club”
This past weekend was the premier photo event in New England, the NECCCC Conference, which was held at UMASS Amherst. It was a potpourri of photography workshops with something for everyone - nature, digital processing, lighting, how-to workshops, model shooting, hi-jinx set-ups, etc. Several photo vendors filled the lower level of the Conference Center to fill your camera wish list. Lodging was provided on campus to any who needed it – I opted for the A/C dorms this year and was I ever glad I did! Rather than head off to find a restaurant or stand in line at the small food establishment in the Conference Center, I bought into the all-inclusive meal plan. For a modest fee, I had ample choices for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. With the opening of the new cafeteria last year, the offerings were varied, healthy and tasty. But enough of all of that – what the conference did provide at no cost to those attending was the opportunity to talk shop with anyone and everyone.
As a member of two camera clubs, a meet-up photo group, and connections in others, this annual event provided golden opportunities to talk beyond the camera club setting where this is little time to shmoose. At mealtime, I managed to break bread with Bob (HDP) and Dave G. (SBCC). When I introduced them to each other, they told me about a “brief” encounter earlier that morning. Dan G. of SBCC was a frequent tablemate as well. Jim (HDP and SBCC) joined us a few times as well. Passing by the tables, I met up with Amy, Rick, Paul, Larry, and Ian of PDP as well as Maureen (HDP) and Linda (HDP Wannabe). Kevin from SSCC is always a pleasant conversationalist whether in the cafeteria or at pondside for the balloons. Charlie (PDP and WCCC) had set up his camera for the balloon event and was quite proud that his son had been chosen to attend as a student representative. HDP’s Jim continued to follow the shade while awaiting the balloon inflation. Speaking of hanging out by the pond, I returned early Sunday AM where Charlie B. (PSA, NECCC, and MVCC ) offered some suggestions about our image collecting system at HDP. Diane (SBCC) came by later.
Just prior to the start of many of the workshops I was able to catch up with Rich (HDP) and his wife, Marty (no camera club affiliation) and Kathy (SSCC) and her brother. At the end of the “Night Photography” session I met up briefly with Tony and Chuck C. A passing nod of the head was directed toward Adele (PDP and CCCC), whereas I walked to or from classes with Ellen (SBCC) and Janet and Pat (PDP). I managed to catch up with Ken W. (SBCC) in the corridors of Thompson.
Milling about the vendor area I spoke with Stony Brook’s Ray G., John F., and Mike D. SBCC members, Dan C. and Shiv, were asked to share their expertise with the rest of us. Shiv’s wife, Monica, was helping out at the NECCC Conference informational tables.
Party Central was located in the rear of Purple Lot #44 as Vicky E. (SBCC) brought her RV to be used as base camp. I was fortunate to be early for the Saturday gathering and had a great opportunity to talk with Vicky – my blog stalker! Soon, we were joined by other Stony Brook members - Rob, Carol, Chuck N., Vicki S., Phil, Henny, and Pamela R. Some of these faces I see at our Thursday meetings but never have the chance to talk. I did spend some time talking with Ron of SBCC who celebrated his 47th birthday on Sunday!
Special thanks to Dave M. of Stony Brook for the conversation on the long drive to and from UMASS Amherst.
I have already blocked off July 13th, 14th, and 15th of 2012 for the 67th Conference. Looking forward to meeting up with those who will also be in attendance.

Special Saturday event involved hot-air balloons!