Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Day Two of Patterns

Thanks to those who are still linked to this blog. You have inspired me / pressured me / raised my anxiety level to continue for at least ONE more day!

A new twist - I will NOT be naming the pattern for the day. Let's see how good you are at guessing. I will reveal the actual item on the following day - another tactic to get me posting every day (suggestion made by my #1 Cheerleader).


  1. Fantastic idea # 1 Cheerleader!
    It looks like stripes painted on peg board. But I doubt that is what it is?
    I am going to need hints!
    I am glad you are back blogging!

  2. Thanks Art Buddy Michael - that's what I thought it was too, the peg board in the basement, but we were both wrong - when the answer was revealed, I knew why, I don't think I've ever used the one I have!!!
