Tuesday, June 18, 2013

#169 - "Where's Waldo, er Joe?"

Lakeville was quite an education with its historical sites. That cafe was built through a Carneige Grant. And that Hallamore wagon was built by Studebaker (thanks, Milt). I also heard from regulars, Mike P., Mariann, Carol, Phil, Michael K., Michelle, Mike Di., Mrs. Beth, Pete, Joyce, and Tony!

For 169, let's get lost in. . .

Now, how many of you have taken the Edaville Train during Christmastime? And, did you warm up with the hot chocolate after getting off??? 

Union Church (1865) was the first non-denominational church in the U. S. Currently, it's being refurbished.

Cranberries were once a major crop for this town but time has turned many of the bogs into residential properties. In 1940, the cranberry crop harvested here was the LARGEST in the World!

Not pictured but Savery Avenue in town was the FIRST divided highway in the U. S.!!

Getting a little bogged down with this tasty little trivia tidbits!

1 comment:

  1. Carver, MA!
    Your blog is reminding me how lucky we are to live in south east Massachusetts!
    Love cranberry bogs!
