Saturday, October 26, 2013

# 296 - "Reflections. . ."

“To consult the rules of composition before making a picture is a little like consulting the law of gravitation before going for a walk.”  - Edward Weston

f/4 @ 1/60 sec. on a tripod

The endless archways! I was mesmerized by the repetition in these doorways at the Dry Tortuga National Park (see # 284 for another from this national park). Just getting here was no easy ride – a mere two-hour catamaran jaunt off Key West!

To get the full effect I wanted, I carefully set up in the middle of the walkway - luckily, I had my younger brother watching for foot traffic.

Bonus Image

 This is known as the "Three Sisters" - to someone they looked like nuns. I'm having a hard time visualizing my math teacher, Sister Mary Hypotenuse or my history nun, Sister Louisa Magellan!  That could be Sister Leo Vincent in the middle - known as "Skinny Vinny" - the wind would blow her over, really!

Blown away by those who took the time to comment: Carol, Michelle, tony, Milt, Doris, Phil, and Joyce. I met a photographer from Cranberry Country Camera club while going into a restaurant this evening. I guess he's been one of the many silent followers - thanks Doug!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Love all your latest creations Joe!
    Also love the quotations!
    Keep on keeping on buddy!
    Go Sox!
    Go Halloween!
