Monday, August 11, 2014

Week Thirty-two - "Wing;s Neck Sunset"

"Wing's Neck Sunset"
The above scenic was waiting for me as I wrapped up my fourteenth shoot of 2013. The previous blog entry had just a hint of how impressive this sunset was going to be. Captain Carl managed to maneuver his boat so that we all had an excellent view of the lighthouse and the waters around it. In Photoshop, i completed what Mother Nature started by silhouetting the light house.

Weekly Photo Suggestion:

It is NOT “cheating” to use Photoshop

I have strong feelings about the importance of using digital image editing in my photography.  My photography is not news, my photography is art.  Just like a painter can put whatever she wants in a painting, I feel that I can do whatever I want to my photos in Photoshop as long as I don’t lie and tell people it is a representation of the actual scene. 

 A Pearl of Wisdom. . .

If I agreed with you, we'd both be wrong!

Steven Wright's Witticisms
The problem with the gene pool is that there is no lifeguard.

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