Monday, July 20, 2015

Shoot XVI - "Off the Beaten Path!"

And, the state of the week was the Aloha State - I bet if I mentioned the home of Shane Victorino, it would have helped - probably wouldn't help Shane too much! Well, Peyton, Carol, Mike di., Milt, Michelle, and Joani were onboard with our fiftieth state.

"The ET Highway!"

Your read it correctly - beneath all of those stickers - the Extraterrestrial Highway! I couldn't believe it when I sped past it on the way towards Yosemite. I HAD to turn around and get a picture of this as no one would believe me. 

Being the ET Hwy would explain the lack of traffic I had encountered along this ninety-eight mile stretch of Nevada real estate. There was one town on this roadway, Rachel. There are about one hundred residents of the town and one motel for weary travelers - The A'Le'inn (pronounced the Alien). No, I did not book a room there!

Did I mention this highway runs adjacent to Area 51? Couldn't wait to get as far from this town as possible!

Thought for the week. . .

Found these most interesting outlooks on life:

We are here on earth to do good unto others. 
What the others are here for, I have no idea. 
~ W.H. Auden.

N i f t y   F i f t y

Here are some interesting facts about one of our fifty states. Do you know which one? This state boasts of:

birthplace of Nicholas Cage, Cindy Crawford, Jimmy Kimmel, and former First Lady, Patricia Nixon

being the largest gold-producing state in the nation. It is second in the world behind South Africa.

being the only state with an entire museum devoted to the life and time of entertainer Liberace

having one of its cities with more hotel rooms than any other place on earth! I know, this gave it away!

Leaving you with a smile, I hope. . .

A day without sunshine is like. . .

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