Monday, July 23, 2018

#22 - "Fuse Boxes"

#23 was the Sextant! Well, I heard from Milt and Milt. Also, Milt chimed in and his alter-ego, Milt as well. There were several other Milts in the got it right list!

"Fuse Boxes"

Back to the EB Abandoned Factory! These fuse boxes were open for inspection and I'm sure they would have some story to tell about what took place within these walls. Ah, the good ol' days when the power went out and you had to find the fuse box in the dark and replace the burnt out item. In my youth this meant fumbling your way down three flights of stairs to the basement and then through the dark recesses of this lower level to the actual box. Had to remember to bring a fuse with you or it meant retracing your steps back to the third floor! Ah, the good ol' days. . .

Greatest Inventions of All Time!
Recently I came across an article about the greatest inventions as determined by a large group of scientists, philosophers, educators, and other professions. Their task was to create a list of "the Greatest Inventions of All Time." Conveniently, the final list numbered fifty! so, I'm starting with #50 and working my way down to Numero Uno in December.

Fear not as I will offer you some hints as to what the invention was.

is a set of research and the development of technology transfer initiatives occurring between the 1930s and the late 1960s, that increased agricultural production worldwide, particularly in the developing world, beginning most markedly in the late 1960s. The initiatives resulted in the adoption of new technologies, including, high-yield varieties (HYVs) of cereals, especially dwarf wheats and rices, in association with chemical fertilizers and with controlled water-supply and new methods of cultivation, including mechanization. All of these together were seen as a 'package of practices' to supersede 'traditional' technology and to be adopted as a whole.

Both the Ford Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation were heavily involved. One key leader was Norman Borlaug, the agricultural economist who devised this approach, has been credited with saving more than 1 billion people from starvation, received the Nobel
eace Prize in 1970.

I realize these clues are not very helpful so if you still need help, go to the bottom of this week's blog for multiple choices. . . 

Murphy's Laws

Rune's Rule. . .

If you don't care where you are, 
you ain't lost!

Leaving You with a Laugh, I Hope. . .

"Air Space Museum"

A. Water sprinklers  B. Co-op Farming  
C. Pesticides  D. The Green Revolution  

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