Monday, December 24, 2018

#00 - "The Wheel"

#1was the printing press! Joani, Mike, and Peyton managed to get their final responses in on time. Also, Long time follower, Carol dropped by1

"The Wheel"

Here's one that definitely should have made the list. Think of all of the places/items/inventions that employ the wheel! Beyond transportation there are a plethora of other uses for the wheel.

I personally give credit to Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble for its invention!

Greatest Inventions of All Time!

Well, that was certainly an educational ride through these Top Fifty inventions! You should be proud of yourselves - you did very well.
Since we have run the list, you have this week off.

What invention do you think should have made the list? For me, it was something simple which I will share with you next week. So send me your one invention that should have been included.

Murphy's Laws

Conference Principle. . .

The speaker with the most monotonous voice 
speaks after the big meal.

Leaving You with a Laugh, I Hope. . .

"Basic Algebra. . ."

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