Monday, July 7, 2014

Week Twenty-seven - "Ontario"

"The Capitol Theater"
Using up a week of time share filled helped to fill in Shoot #13 - Ontario. My wife and I drove to the northern regions of the province to a town called, Collingswood. We used this place as our launching point as we toured the surrounding areas. One such town was Meaford. Walking down main street, we came across the town's theater, "The Capitol." I was impressed with the glass-etched doors that led into the lobby. It had the feel of something done from the forties.

Weekly Photo Suggestion:

Capture the beauty in the mundane and you have a winning photograph.

 A Pearl of Wisdom. . .

Glyme's Formula for Success:

The secret of success is sincerity. Once you can fake that, you've got it made!

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