Monday, July 27, 2015

Shoo XVI - "Bodie"

And, the state of the week was Nevada! Now this should have been a gimme!! Milt, Mike Di., Jaoni, and Michelle came through while Peyton was very close! This just in... Mommy Beth selected NV as well! 

Last week I was attending the NECCC Photo Conference at UMASS Amherst and ran into long-time follower, Milt along with his wife!

"Abandoned Car, Bodie"

My most favorite stop of all of the national parks on this SW Trek II was not a national park! Bodie State Park is a bona fide ghost town run by the state of California. Back in 1962, they took over what was left of this once popular gold rush town. Today about one hundred buildings still stand - only five percent of what was there in its hey day!

Throughout the grounds there were the expected abandoned buildings, run down facilities, and a few vehicles. I was especially mesmerized by this one as it was sitting out in the hot dusty sun for who knows how long. I immediately thought about converting it to B&W but wanted you to experience the rust and aging of the chassis.

Bodie Ghost Town is one place that should be on your lifelist!

An exhibit of my favorite images from Bodie are on display in the East Bridgewater Library. They will move on to West Bridgewater in September. 

Thought for the week. . .

Found these most interesting outlooks on life:

No matter how busy a man is, 
he is never too busy to stop and talk 
about how busy he is. 
~ Unknown.

N i f t y   F i f t y
Here are some interesting facts about one of our fifty states. Do you know which one? This state boasts of being the:

home state of such notables as Lucille Ball, Billy Joel, Mouseketeer AnnetteLady Gaga, Tom Cruise, Stallone, Eddie Murphy, and Tiny Tim!

home state of L. Frank Baum, author of the "Wizard of Oz". His home town features yellow brick inlaid sidewalks leading to Aunti Em's and other Oz-themed businesses. It is also the location of an annual Munchkins parade

first capital of the United States!

Leaving you with a smile, I hope. . .

He who laughs last thinks slowest!

Monday, July 20, 2015

Shoot XVI - "Off the Beaten Path!"

And, the state of the week was the Aloha State - I bet if I mentioned the home of Shane Victorino, it would have helped - probably wouldn't help Shane too much! Well, Peyton, Carol, Mike di., Milt, Michelle, and Joani were onboard with our fiftieth state.

"The ET Highway!"

Your read it correctly - beneath all of those stickers - the Extraterrestrial Highway! I couldn't believe it when I sped past it on the way towards Yosemite. I HAD to turn around and get a picture of this as no one would believe me. 

Being the ET Hwy would explain the lack of traffic I had encountered along this ninety-eight mile stretch of Nevada real estate. There was one town on this roadway, Rachel. There are about one hundred residents of the town and one motel for weary travelers - The A'Le'inn (pronounced the Alien). No, I did not book a room there!

Did I mention this highway runs adjacent to Area 51? Couldn't wait to get as far from this town as possible!

Thought for the week. . .

Found these most interesting outlooks on life:

We are here on earth to do good unto others. 
What the others are here for, I have no idea. 
~ W.H. Auden.

N i f t y   F i f t y

Here are some interesting facts about one of our fifty states. Do you know which one? This state boasts of:

birthplace of Nicholas Cage, Cindy Crawford, Jimmy Kimmel, and former First Lady, Patricia Nixon

being the largest gold-producing state in the nation. It is second in the world behind South Africa.

being the only state with an entire museum devoted to the life and time of entertainer Liberace

having one of its cities with more hotel rooms than any other place on earth! I know, this gave it away!

Leaving you with a smile, I hope. . .

A day without sunshine is like. . .

Monday, July 13, 2015

Shoot XVI - "Zion II"

And, the state of the week was the Peach Tree State! We heard from Carol, Elaine, Michelle, Milt, Mike Di., and Joani. Peyton was given credit for his Atlanta answer by my Esteemed Panel of Judges!

"Zion Scenic"

This is the Virgin River which is credited with creating zion National Park. It doesn't look that imposing here! This was taken late afternoon as I waited for sunset. Slowly the photographers on this small bridge began to grow from the solo enthusiast (me) to about thirty of us. I spoke with photographers from Switzerland, France, England, and Australia. I am embarrassed to admit the English spoken by most foreigners is fairly easy to understand. I know I would be totally lost if I was ever in their native lands! 

I liked the meandering leading line of the river that drew my view into the rock structures in the background.

Thought for the week. . .

Found these most interesting outlooks on life:

If the shoe fits, 
get another one just like it. 
~ Unknown.

N i f t y   F i f t y
Here are some interesting facts about one of our fifty states. Do you know which one? This state boasts of being the:

    birthplace of Nicole Kidman and Bette Midler 

wettest place in the world with an average rainfall is 373.83 inches a year!

widest state in the United States (from east to west coast).

worldwide leader in harvesting macadamia nuts and orchids.

Leaving you with a smile, I hope. . .

I thought I saw an eye doctor on an Alaskan island, 

but it turned out to be an optical Aleutian.

(I know really bad. . . )

Monday, July 6, 2015

Shoot XVI - "SW Trek II - Zion"

And, the state of the week was North Carolina, the Tar Heel State! This was TOO easy for Peyton as NC is his home! Also coming up with the correct response were Carol, Michelle, Elaine, Beth, and Joani. 

Bonus image: The Mayberry Courthouse! In front of the door they inscribed the names of Andy, Opie, Barney, and Gomer. Are you whistling the tune now? do you know the OFFICIAL title to that song? I know you can look it up (answer below). . .

"Kolob Canyon Vista"

This image, probably my second most favorite along the three week trip, almost didn't happen! As I was driving from Bryce to Zion, I detoured from what my GPS wanted to do. The sign read, "Zion National Park." Although it was miles from the intended exit, I got off. The road did not lead into Zion but rather into Kolob Canyon, on the outskirts of Zion National Park. A quick stop at the visitor's center convinced me to take the five mile loop into the canyon. And, I am glad I did!

"Kolob Canyon Vista" was what I saw when I pulled into the first lot on the loop! The swirling clouds managed to tuck in ever so conveniently for my shot.

To think "Kolob Canyon Vista" might not have happened if it weren't for a little curiosity on my part. Of course, I had to deal with a very upset GPS when I got back on the highway!  

Thought for the week. . .

Found these most interesting outlooks on life:

If the facts don't fit the theory, 
change the facts. 
                       ~ Albert Einstein.

N i f t y   F i f t y
Here are some interesting facts about one of our fifty states. Do you know which one? This state boasts of being the:

birthplace of Julia Roberts, Jackie Robinson, and Brenda Lee

state where the Girl Scouts were founded by Juliette Gordon.

nations number one producer of the three 
       Ps--peanuts, pecans, and peaches.

the watermelon capital of the world.

Leaving you with a smile, I hope. . .

"24 hours in a day and 24 beers in a case.
Coincidence? I think not."
H. L. Mencken

Did you know it was, "The Fishin' Hole?" This catchy tune even had words!